But now, O Jacob{Jessica}, listen to the Lord who created you.
O Israel, the one who formed you says,
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you.
I have called you by name; you are mine.
2 When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
3 For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Isaiah 43:1-3

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Gift for You...

* Friends I wrote this blog over two weeks ago. I thought to myself many times, "WHO WANTS TO READ THIS??" And yet I have had three people come into my house and speak to the sign I mention below. I took this as a prompt to share my thoughts with you. Today is also happened to be a good reminder to me. Please read and may God speak to your heart, encourage you and comfort you. My love to you all! 

As I sit on the couch in my living room and write to each of you tonight I have a perfect shot of a sign that I recently purchased at a yard sale. It reads, “Everyday is a gift.” Let me say that again “Every day is a gift.”

You mean, the days I wake up with neck muscles aching, and legs tingling – these are gifts. You mean the days I wake up with cancer pain and a nauseous stomach – these are gifts. You mean the days that children test boundaries and I want to change my name from “Mommy” to something else – these are gifts. You mean the days the bills come in and I wonder how we will pay for this one – these are gifts. You mean the days friends call me with heartaches to share and my heart breaks with them – these are gifts? YES!

The days I hear the girls sing a praise hymn while playing with horses  - Are these days gifts? The days I am pain free and able to cook dinner for my family – Are these days are gifts? The days that the sun shines beautifully on the leaves –  Are these days are gifts? The days friends call and share laughter – Are these days are gifts? The days we make a memory that will last a lifetime –Are these days gifts? YES!

Yes – each and every day is a gift. For God’s word reminds me,Every good and perfect gift comes from above.” – James 1:17 Every day is a gift from above. Every day is an opportunity for a new fresh start. Every day is an opportunity for new hope, new healing, love, grace, forgiveness, and joy! Scripture also says that our God desires for us to have “life and have it abundantly.” May we all seek to remember that every day on this earth, good, bad, or hard – are each gifts from God.  We are to enjoy each day to the fullest. Take time to make memories, see the small stuff, notice that the world is beautiful and your family even more so! “Today is the day the Lord has made,” – no matter the circumstances! “let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Today I rejoice and am glad --- for those that have not heard, my most recent cancer scan came back with some great news and not so great news. GREAT NEWS first --- ALL glory and honor and praise goes to God the father for there are no new cancer tumors! And those present have shrunk any where from 10-70%. Additionally the mass around the kidney looks sloppy! Which is good. Bad news, or not so great news is that I have a fracture on the L3 vertebrae of my spine.  This fracture is more than likely the result of weak bones due to the cancer. We are in conversation about what is next for this concern. It is painful and is the culprit of some hard days. But, each day is a gift. You all are gifts to me. And we will face this obstacle and the remaining cancer as we have thus far. With the power of prayer, the belief in a miracle, with love and support and God will do a good work!

Please know I pray for each of you and while I am perhaps the worst blogger (I never blog and they are always too long)! I am grateful for each of you. For your support and your love. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. I am still fighting a mighty disease. We still have bills to pay but are down my income. We still have to figure out how to address the fracture. And we have to meet the prayers of my girls every night – “Lord, make my mommy better.”
Remember today is a gift. A gift I am thankful to share it with each of you! Thank  you for being a part of this journey. LOVE to each of you.
