But now, O Jacob{Jessica}, listen to the Lord who created you.
O Israel, the one who formed you says,
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you.
I have called you by name; you are mine.
2 When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
3 For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Isaiah 43:1-3

Monday, April 29, 2013

Have you seen Jesus?

First off I want to say Happy Birthday to my husband! Though your last two birthdays have been difficult I celebrate the day that God created you. You are valuable and a gift to not only me but so many others. You give sacrificially of yourself and are wonderful father to our children. (Although we have to work on those...shall we say colorful words you use :) ) Today I appreciate your love, your strength and your sacrifice, the way you take care of our family and the way you always stand by my side. Next year's birthday, in Cancun!!! I love you Jason!.....Jessica

How many times did you see Jesus today? I saw Jesus when Jessica began another severe episode of chills.  These chills are hard to manage and can last for hours. Jessica was crying because she was sure she was ruining Jason's birthday. Jason lovingly wiped away her tears and said, "There's no place I would rather be then right here with you." And, I saw the love of Jesus.

We had talked to the doctor on call yesterday about these chills but he seemed unconcerned. Jason and I began to wrestle with what to do. Should we try again to calm the shivering of her body or take her ourselves to the ER? We couldn't decide what would be the best thing for her. Then the phone rang. Jessica's Physician's Assistant was calling about another matter. And, there was Jesus again working before us.

Jason informed the PA of Jessica's current condition. She advised us to head directly to the ER department. As we entered the ER were welcomed with warm blankets and cheerful, caring hellos. Once again Jesus was present!  As we awaited registration we began to hear rumors and rumblings that the wait was going to be long as the ER was full. Yet, once again Jesus showed up. Jessica's name was called and she was registered. "We have a room for you, Mrs. Newsome, the last ER room available." There we saw Christ.

Jessica was already in a great deal of pain and the thoughts of an IV in the bend of her arm were just too much for her. Her nurse did not feel comfortable putting it anywhere else. Jessica and I prayed that God would provide someone to put the IV in her arm in a place where it wouldn't bother her. And Jesus showed up. Nurse Esperanza came in with a gentle humble spirit and nimble fingers and expertly inserted the IV needle in just the right place.

Unfortunately, thought it wasn't the only stick. Soon there were tests to be run. And Jesus was there with an able phlebotomist named Margaret Duncan. Margaret had a pin on that said, “I am a child of God.”  Jessica told her I am a child of God too.  So Margaret sang to her "I am a Child of God" the whole time she took her blood samples.  Jesus' presence was definitely palpable there in the ER of Texas Medical Center.

Over and over again we have seen Jesus today in the most unlike places. He has gone before us preparing the way for us. He was under us holding us up. He was beside us walking with us. He was over us watching everything that was going on. And He was present with us in the doctors and nurses who have cared for Jessica.
This isn't where Jessica wants to be (believe me she has made that abundantly clear!); but, if she has to be in the hospital, this is the right place. It is a place where God's hands touch those who are sick through caring nurses and doctors who demonstrate their faith in what they do.  We will be here a few days as they try to regulate Jessica’s pain medication and discern where the high fevers are coming from. It is now 1:15 am and they have just moved us into a room. I am tired but consider ourselves blessed to be here for we are not alone.  Jesus is with us.  I see him where I have seen him for the last 29 years in her face as finally she drifts off to sleep.   

May you see Jesus every day in everything you do and everywhere you go.

Love in Christ,

Sheila (Mom)

God cares, cares right down to the last detail. 
 James 5:11

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Long Day's Night!

It has been a long day!  And while we had hoped for more definitive answers at this point there is still much to be learned about this adversary we face.    We will be partying it up at the hospital way past 11:00 PM tonight and tomorrow as well as additional tests and blood work during the day.  The doctors are currently working to schedule Jessica for a biopsy probably the first of the week.  While we have had a biopsy before, this biopsy is of the kidney itself.  Additionally, we anticipate tomorrow Jessica will be having a blood transfusion as her hemoglobin continues to drop.  All this information will be used to create the best possible treatment plan for this battle.  We and the doctors are committed to fighting as hard and as long as necessary.  Please understand the prognosis is serious.  We anticipate such things as radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, clinical trials and other alternative treatments.  At this time there is no conversation about removing the infected kidney.  This may be a conversation we have in a year.  It is our goal right now to stop the metastasis of the cancer from spreading further and further into the bones.  This is a hard blow for Jessica as we face the reality of what she is up against.  She will remain here at M.D. Anderson for treatments and will go back and forth between the condo and hospital as long as necessary.

We know that our God is bigger.  You would be very proud of how strong Jessica stood today! 
We are proud of her.  We read scripture.  We prayed. We ate.  We laughed.  At one point Jessica even had a magazine on top of her head.  She was full of the spirit because of the prayers of you, our faithful sojourners.  Now lift her up even more along with our family, as we face the hardest reality we have ever had to meet.  We understand our God is able but right now our hearts hurt and that’s okay.  Right now we are sad and that is okay.  Right now we are mad and that’s okay.  Right now we aren’t ready for conversations or phone calls and that is okay.  We know your thoughts and prayers are with us.  Be patient with us.  Continue to love us.  Continue to pray for us.  And yes, we still have hope!!!

Love in Christ
Sheila (Mom) and Jessica

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.     
 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nothing to Fear!

God showed out today!  The day began with apprehension, uncertainty and tears on the couch.  What was going to happen next? Where should we go?  What should we do? What will the doctors say or do?  It seemed as if the darkness of worry was going keep the day overcast despite the sun shining outside.  It is hard to be away from all our encouragers.  At 6 AM this morning it was as if Satan himself was taunting me saying,"How will you make it through tomorrow with your friends and family so far away in Georgia. You are all alone.  You are not strong enough to do this."   But, the power of your prayers has reached across the miles to lead us into the bright light of God's promise. 

I forgot what it was like to live out of a suitcase.  The hotel was nice but it just wasn't home.  There was little space and no where to put things.  So Jason and Lori Fuller, our awesome travel agent, continued looking for a place for us to call home while we are here.  It was frustrating to say the least.  I was ready to give up. I said a quiet prayer.  I told Jason lets just stop looking and thinking about it and just wait and see where things are going.  We took off for a ride around town and decided why not check back with the first condo rental facility one more time.  We put on our "Kick Cancer's Butt"  shoes and walked into the rental office and told them we needed a condo now.  They said no problem you can have one tomorrow. 

Some might call that a win and walk away but I wanted it today not really knowing what tomorrow would bring physically, emotionally, and spiritually for my family and I.  The agent offered to check and if she could do some finagling to make it work.  In ,a whirlwind of Holy Spirit power everything fell into place.  We were able to move out of the hotel without losing any
money and move into a fully furnished condo today!  It is beautiful, relaxing, has shuttle service to the hospital and Target (hehehe! hehehe! and Jason thought I couldn't go shopping out here)  and it is only one mile from the hospital.  I have already put out pictures of Savannah and Ella and it feels like home. 

But, I was still feeling alone. My husband is wonderful and a great caretaker.  And, I know it sounds a little childish, but I needed my mommy!  We thought this would be impossible considering the needs of my brothers and sisters and her schedule.  But I really wanted her here tomorrow to ask questions and to be another set of ears to hear what the doctors had to say.  Jason and I prayed about it together and God affirmed it and then he showed out!  Within in 30 minutes all the details were worked out and four short hours later she was on a plane.

So a day that started with tears on a couch ended with Mom in Houston, a husband that loves me, good friends that show me that they love me (thank you West Point Girls), and, peace and confident trust that none of us are alone in this journey called life.  God goes before us.  He is the Victor.  He has already won the battle.  We have nothing to fear!

With Love and Thanks for Each of You,


Tomorrow Jessica and Jason will meet with the doctors of M.D. Anderson. They ask that you check back here for details instead of calling.  We will post information as we are able. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Super Hero

Posted by the combined efforts of Chad, Sheila and Jessica 
For his birthday Van, Chad's four year old son got an Avengers superhero costume gift pack and so, of course the family had the extreme pleasure of riding down I 285 dressed as the Avengers. As the three of us look back on this picture we can't help but think about what was going through people's minds as the "Superheros" drove on by. Strange was a word that probably was use,  I mean Chad is almost a 30 year old man putting on a mask, to be something that he clearly is not. People had to have been laughing at them. Then, as we discussed this scenario as a family Chad, in "Chad like" fashion  wondered what if I WAS a super hero and what if I DID have superpowers.  Then I could be CAPTAIN AMERICA: From the past a hero shall fight for the future! 
And you know, maybe Captain America had it right, from the past a hero shall fight the future. These past two weeks my family has seen and been powerfully impacted by the power our Superheros. 

Chad set up an online fundraiser last week with the hopes of raising $5000 to help pay for Jessica's first trip to MD Anderson. He kicked it off with his own personal donation. Chad says, very honestly that he remembers looking at the website with his small donation and feeling overwhelmed by what this cancer diagnosis meant to his sister's family. He said he knew he was confident we could raise the money and believed that God would provide; but yet, he still felt so small in comparison to the enormity of cancer. Despite his feelings of inadequacy, with a heart full of faith, Chad put the fundraiser live and posted it on Facebook. What happened? God sent a clear message that he is bigger than we are, and that He is bigger than cancer!

So many people stepped up to help out with a financial donation. The initial $5,00.00 goal was met in the first 9 hours of the fundraiser and with in the first 24 hours God's superhero's, you guys, more than doubled our goal; but, it didn't stop there. By this past Friday we had more then quadrupled the original goal!

And if that wasn't enough we have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, encouragement and prayers!  Prayer is one of the most amazing superpowers we as Christians possess and yet so often we discount it or  simply say "well, all I can do is pray."  Praying for Jessica and our family is one of the most important and effective means of support you can offer us during this time. 

So thank you for being our superheros, for fighting and giving for us know that we might fight the future, at least that's how Captain America would say it!


Thank you for being the love of Christ to my family and doing "superhero" things through your generosity and faithfulness!

"I thank my God every time I remember you." Philippians 1:3

Love in Christ.  

Chad, Sheila and Jessica

Side Note from Chad: West Point United Methodist Church has graciously provided Jessica with a Prayer Pager.  When you call this number 1-877-803-3833 and follow the instructions the pager will vibrate letting her know that you thought of her and said a prayer for her. With each vibrate of the pager Jessica is comforted and encouraged.   Yes, I have been floored by all the people that gave so much to help my sister, and I am reminded again just how good,and how great our God is! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

And now the rest of the story.......Kick Cancer's Butt Tennis Shoes

When Jessica was diagnosed with cancer, it was devastating for all of us. We were told on the following Monday she would have a biopsy to determine what kind and how advance it was. We were overwhelmed. Tears were shed.

As we were waiting for the biopsy, a friend of hers arrived, Christy Spivey. Christy is a petite, well dressed woman. She had her make up on, earrings, and necklace. Her hair was attractively styled. She wore a quality black and white dress and had on a red sweater. She was the perfect picture of a classy lady. That is until you got to her shoes. She had on Asics Gel Kinsei 4s. They seemed so out of place in the picture that my daughter and I couldn’t help but laugh. It was a great comic relief moment. Christy explained she is a pharmacist. As a pharmacist you have to look good above the counter but your feet take a beating and so she has to wear shoes that are comfortable. She said it doesn't matter whether they go with your outfit or not because nobody sees them below the counter. We couldn’t help but smile and the tension of the diagnosis was forgotten for the moment.

Two days later as we awaited the biopsy report Christy showed up with a box in hand. In the box was a pair of Asics Gel Kinsei 4s in my daughter’s size. Christy said, “These are your “Kick Cancer’s Butt” shoes and you wear them so that you remember to smile, laugh and hold on to hope. It was perfect. The diagnosis was not good. The cancer is aggressive and rather advance. My daughter put on the shoes and told me, “Mom you have to get a pair of these.” I really laughed then. “ They aren’t my style.” She laughed and said, “Mom, I have seen your crazy high heels!”

I went home and looked up the shoes. I had never paid that much for a pair of shoes!!! I told her I would not be buying those shoes. Later the next day, we were told she would have to go to MD Anderson in Houston for her cancer treatment. Her cancer is rather advanced and aggressive.  She turned to me with tears streaming down her cheeks and said, “Mom you have to buy these shoes. I have to know that when Jason (her husband) and I are alone in Houston that you are wearing these shoes. That you and I are somehow connected. That you are there with me. That you are wearing our “Kick Cancer’s Butt” tennis shoes. When I am getting my chemotherapy I want to look down and see these shoes and smile because I know you and others are fighting with me.”

I went home that afternoon and bought a pair of the shoes! Since that time, several others have bought the same shoes and all are referring to them as our “Kick Cancer’s Butt” shoes.  These shoes are precious to us and are helping us to stay positive and focused. I have even preached about them and will be preaching in them this next Sunday. I will be wearing them all the while she is gone and I am a high heel kind of girl!  For us they represent our hope which is rooted in the Big "C" Christ!

Below you will find a link to purchase the shoes through Amazon.com.  A portion of the proceeds from each pair of shoes will go to the foundation to support Jessica's fight against cancer.  Join us as we  "kick some butt!" (Be sure you are ordering the Women's Mosaic or Men's Lime/White Kinsei)

ASICS Men's Gel-Kinsei 4 Running
Shoe,Lime/White/Royal,10 M US

Love in Christ,
Sheila, Jessica's Mom
P.S. And if you live in the LaGrange area the LaGrange Roger's BBQ is doing a fundraiser for Jessica.  You can purchase BBQ tickets for $6 and they are valid for one year.  Tickets can be purchased at Roger's BBQ LaGrange location and Greene's pharmacy.....other ticket sale locations will be announced later. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Love and Joy Filled this Weekend - Not Cancer!

Posted by Jessica's Mother Sheila 

Sometimes as ministers Jessica and I find it easier to preach and teach it then to live it.  We tell people to live every moment, to not get caught up in schedules, work, activities and even church to the point that they don't enjoy the gifts God has given them.  This cancer has reminded us that we too must work to keep our priorities straight. 

Jessica and Van 
On Saturday we gathered together as a family at Monkey Joe's to celebrate Jessica's nephew (my grandson), Van's, fourth birthday.  We prepared the children for Jesssica to be in a wheelchair.  But true to her stubborn nature (LOL - I think maybe she got that from my side of the family) she walked in on her own. She looked beautiful in a bright yellow shirt and some awesome "Kick Cancer's Butt" tennis shoes. Though her gait is slow and has a hitch in it she is now, with the pain meds, able to get around some.  The kids ran, jumped, played games, laughed and giggled to their heart's content.  We talked, laughed and just enjoyed being together as a family. 

Click to Buy Shoes from Amazon. 
Later that afternoon Jessica did ride in the wheelchair to go shopping.  She has lost 30 pounds since the first of January and she didn't want to go to Texas looking like a ragamuffin.  (Ask Ella and Savannah about looking like a ragamuffin.)  She felt pretty and just felt normal for a little while!

Sunday morning, she was determined to get to church so her sister in law, Jodie, helped her get dressed and straighten her hair.  Jason got the girls dressed (wonder what they looked like?!?!).  And they made it to church almost on time.  What joy it is to just worship our amazing Father!  It had been weeks since she had been able to go to church.  It lightened her spirit and strengthened their souls. 

Sunday was made complete with a wonderful paint party held at Mountville UMC.  Melissa Howington of MJH Designs brought her studio and supplies and helped 45 of Jessica's friends paint like artists.  Jessica joyously hobbled around from table to table being loved on and encouraged by her friends.  She beamed the entire time.  She laughed and shed a few tears of joy and comfort.

During these moments the chaos of cancer was pushed into the background.  It was no longer the focal point of life and existence   It was no longer in control.  Life is made up of moments.  They can be moments of fear, doubt, worry and tears or they can be moments of love, laughter, and joy. No matter what might be going on around you or happening to you, it is a matter of choice.  It is a matter of outlook.  It is a matter of faith.  God is in those moments giving us His strength and hope.  And it is those moments that we are going to hang on to! 

Love in Christ,
Jessica's Mom

P.S.  Our "Kick Cancer's Butt" tennis shoes are Asics Kinsei Gel 4.  They are expensive but amazingly comfortable!  They are available for both men and women.  You can purchase them through our Amazon Affiliate link and all commission will go to help Jessica and Jason fight this battle.  Thank you for ALL your support!

ASICS Men's Gel-Kinsei 4 Running
 Shoe,Lime/White/Royal,10 M US

Friday, April 12, 2013

Team Jessica Vs. Cancer

Posted by Jessica's Little Brother Chad

As most of you all know Jessica and Jason had a visit with the local LaGrange oncologist today to get some more information about this thing we are going to beat. We have decided to be completely transparent on this blog about what is going on, so that our whole team (including you guys) can be armed and equipped to help tackle this foe. So here we go…

Apparently, this cancer knows how special Jessica is, because it is a very unique cancer. Jessica’s latest PET Scan has shown cancer cells in her right kidney, left arm,  two left side ribs, two vertebrae in her lower back (T11, L5), her sacrum, her left hip and her right hip. Cancer is officially classified and named by where it originates from. For Jessica because the cancer has presented itself in a lot of different areas, the oncologist in LaGrange can’t yet pin point the origin. They do believe that it originated in the Kidney, but because the biopsy has not provided them with enough information to confirm that, they can’t yet officially classify it as kidney cancer. Currently the doctors are calling it “metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma” I think this translates to “she has cancer in a lot of places and we can’t figure out which one was first.” What the doctors here did say was that it is a very aggressive, but slow growing cancer. Meaning that in the week her doctors have been seeing her they have not seen any new cancer growth; but it is in a lot of different places. Because they don’t know the origin, they don’t want to officially declare what stage it is. They did say, they believe it is an advanced stage three or stage four cancer.
With that said, Jessica and Jason talked more in depth with the oncologist about their plans to go to MD Anderson. We have already scheduled Jessica an appointment with an oncologist at MD Anderson for April 25th. Her doctors here said that was the absolute best time frame. They said they have already sent the biopsy sample to MD Anderson, and they should have already received it. This time frame gives MD Anderson the next week to analyze the biopsy and pair Jessica with the best doctor for her cancer.

Our plan right now is to have a blast for the next week enjoying some Family time, and then on April 25th. IT’S GO TIME.  

Thank you for your continued love and support. Thank you for your gifts and prayers, and above all thank you for you friendship.

More info to come in the future, so stay plugged into this blog! Also please use the comment section below to post encouragement for Jessica. Do feel free to email encouragement to our family at GetBetterJess@gmail.com. Texts and Emails are also great ways to encourage, but please know Jessica may not be able to respond to them all.

I am confident we are entering this cancer tournament with an All-star Team of doctors, prayer warriors, friends and family, and above all with Christ as our coach. I know the victory is already ours!
Love In Christ,
Chad Crowe 

Bombarding the Throne of God at 9:40am!!!

Good Morning!

In just a little over an hour Jason and I will meet with Dr. Kahn our oncologist. We will review several reports including a PET Scan, Lab Work and the bone biopsy. Please join us in bombarding the throne of God with prayers for peace, comfort, direction and his will.  As soon as our family is able to share more information with you following the appointment we will.

"Have mercy on me Lord, for I am weak; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled." Psalm 6:2

With such thankfulness for your boundless love, support  and prayers!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Next Steps - Cancer Don't Mess with Texas

Posted by Jessica's Little Brother Chad

Cancer Don't Mess With Texas!

I honestly don't know where the phrase "Don't Mess with Texas" came from, but from everything we have read it is true! At least when it comes to cancer. For the lack of  better terms Jessica's doctors say that she, quite honestly, has a strange cancer. Their initial thoughts were that she had renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer) and while this may still be the case, the problem with this diagnosis is that historically 29 year old females don't get this kind of cancer. More test are being run on the biopsy this week before a final confirmation can made. Jessica and Jason will meet with her oncologist on Friday for possible updates or solutions

However, armed with this knowledge, we have started researching what out next steps will be Quite honestly, in my mind there is only one step for us from here, and that is to beat cancer. In order to get to that step, we as a family want to arm Jessica with every possible advantage. It is with this in mind that we have been researching for the absolute best hospital and doctors to take care of her. Currently we have set our sights on sending Jessica to MD Anderson In Houston Texas.  Here are some reasons why...
  • MDA is one of the largest cancer centers in the world. 
  • MDA focuses exclusively on cancer and have seen cases of every kind. Their doctors treat more rare cancers in a single day than most physicians see in a lifetime.
  • MDA has ranked as one of the top two hospitals in cancer care every year since U.S. News & World Report began its annual “America’s Best Hospitals” survey in 1990. 
  • MDA has more nurses per patient than many hospitals in the country. 
  • MDA is world-renowned for using and developing front-line diagnostic technology. That lets physicians pinpoint each patient’s unique cancer and tailor treatment for the best possible outcome. 
In addition MDA has 18 Surgical Oncologist Urologist on staff that see around 700 Renal Cell Cancer patients annually. 

We have prayed about this decision and God has already sent several confirmations that MD Anderson is the absolute best place for Jessica to go for treatment. With that said there are certainly huge logistical hurdles that need to be jumped to make this happen. As a family we have already started the process, but we can use you help. As Jessica's brother, I have set a goal of $5000 by next Friday to help with Jessica and Jason's first trip to Texas.  I ask that you prayerfully consider how you might also contribute to what we know will be continual and astronimical financial expenses for Jessica and her family throughout this journey.

 I have set up a fundraiser at this address  http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/help-to-fund-the-battle-/52452 or donations may also be made at local Charter Bank locations.  I anticipate their expenses are going to continue to rise as well as Jason only has six weeks paid leave.   I will update you in the future on their continuing physical, emotional, spiritual and financial needs.   Please give as you are able.  We greatly appreciate your loving care and support.

Additionally please stay plugged into our blog for more in the future, and as always remember us in your prayers.

Love in Christ,

Big C Little c

Posted by Jessica's Little Brother Chad

Most of you already know my sister Jessica. You know her as a minister, a confident,  a friend, a family member. What you might not know is that Jessica has been sick. For the past four months she has battled a barrage of sickness from bronchitis, to the flu, to whooping cough.  More recently Jessica has struggled with severe anemia.

Doctors eventually started to ask questions about why she has been so sick, so long. This has lead us down a path of investigation. The original thought was that Jessica might have an auto-immune disease order, however this possibility has since been ruled out. As other investigative testing continued Jessica continued to get more sick. She developed a severe pain in her hips and lower back, this pain along with continuing anemia recently landed Jessica in the hospital. Over the past few days during Jessica's hospital stay our family has been overwhelmed by the out pouring of love from the community that has supported Jessica for the last 29 years. However, it is with a heavy heart that I must request your continued outpouring of love for Jessica and our family at this time because what I have to tell you next is one of the hardest things I have ever had to write.

During Jessica's hospital visit, her doctors did several tests and scans. These scans have revealed several lesions on Jessica's hips and lower vertebrae as well as, a large tumor in her right kidney. Doctors quickly did a biopsy Monday morning of the lesions on Jessica's hip and it has been confirmed that Jessica has cancer. As you can image this is difficult news for our family to process at this time. As I am sure it is difficult for you to learn of this news as well. Further tests will occur this week including a PET Scan as we continue to investigate and study.

It is my hope that this blog will serve as a platform where we can all stay connected, and encourage one another together as we fight this cancer. My family will be posting updates as quickly, and as frequently as possible, so that we can all stay informed through out this process. Visit often, as this will be the best way to stay up-to-date. In turn please use the comment section below to post encouragement for Jessica. Also feel free to email encouragement to our family at GetBetterJess@gmail.com. Texts and emails are also grey ways to encourage but please know Jessica may not be able to respond to them all.

With the harsh reality of this news the next steps are already being planned and as soon as we know them we will post them here, but for now please pray. Pray as often as you can, and boldly ask God for healing. As Jessica told me the other day cancer starts with a little c, but Christ starts with a big C.  - My God is Greater, My God is Stronger, and he will be glorified through this.

Love in Christ,

Click for an Update